Name: Online Cash Source
Price: $1.95 fee, automatically converts to a $29.90 per month membership fee, + upsells (A LOT of them)
Regular readers of my site are going to recognize this scam right away. The group that brought you Online Web Cash (and so much more), is back with a “new” scam. That’s right, this is another duplicate scam site. This Online Cash Source review will tell you exactly why you should steer clear.
To Begin With…
Some of you may not be aware of what a duplicate scam site is. It’s a pretty self-explanatory term, but I like to sum it up with pictures.

Here is a picture of the Online Cash Source website.

Here is a picture of a program called “Online Web Cash.” Do these two pictures look similar?
That’s because these programs are duplicates. Even the “testimonials” are the same! Duplicate scams are the result of lazy scam artists. These scammers create something that successfully cons people out of their money, and then they clone that something when people begin to recognize it as a scam.
I’ve written reviews on at least 2 other programs that are identical to Online Cash Source:
These are other programs that are identical:
- Home Income Cash System
- BlackBelt Profit System
- Home Income Profit System
The thing is, I can easily recognize this program as a scam (before I buy into it… AGAIN) because I’ve seen so many of it’s predecessors. I don’t need to continue writing these reviews, I could simply point to one of my old reviews. All that changes, from one of these programs to the next, is the name. By writing these reviews I am bringing attention to the name changes in the hopes that the public will begin to recognize these scams as readily as I myself can.
How does this scam work? Let’s start from the beginning….
Fake “News” Sites
Fake news sites are utilized to promote Online Cash Source and it’s duplicates. These “news” sites are very convincing and manage to effectively dupe a lot of people into buying the programs. They actually use an IP tracking script that customizes the article based on your own geographic location.
The article itself details an inspiring story about a young, single mom named “Melissa” who used the Online Cash Source program to make her fortune. Unfortunately, this story is completely fabricated. Melissa’s hometown changes, thanks to the IP tracking script, as does her last name. She doesn’t actually exist.

Look familiar?
Note: “Melissa’s” story suggests that there is such a thing as “overnight success.” Overnight success does not exist. If you want to make money online, you will need to work hard. It’s just like a regular job, but you can work in your pajamas. Check out my #1 recommendation for learning how to make money online.
The comments section, at the end of the fake article, is also completely FAKE. You can prove this yourself by trying to leave a comment. You’ll find that you can not.
Within Online Cash Source’s disclaimer, they state that they are not responsible for any site that links to them. Well, I call BS. I don’t believe anybody would be affiliated with such a blatant scam. The disclaimer is their own clever way of disassociating themselves with the “news” sites, in the off chance that there are legal ramifications.
Registration Process
If you register with this program you will be charged $1.95 for a trial period. If you don’t cancel in time, you will be charged an additional $29.90 (per month) which grants you access to your website’s back office. Unfortunately, there is no training to go along with this back office, so it is useless for beginners.
When registering you will be asked to provide your phone number. They tell you that this is so one of their experts can call you for a consultation. They will call and tell you what they believe you need to do in order to make money online, which usually entails buying a $1,500 upsell (Real sneaky, huh?). I’ve read that some people have been scammed out of upwards of $10,000. They will continue to call you and try to sell you things. They may try to teach you some things, but their real goal is to get money out of you for as long as possible. They are very convincing, but trust me, you’ll never have to invest this much money into your online business. Don’t fall for it.
I beg you, do not give these people your phone number or your credit card number.
The Owners
As often as these duplicates pop-up, I have yet to find out who is behind them. I recently read that they are owned by a company named Dynamix 7, but I was unable to confirm this. Dynamix 7 is also a scam and it does seem to fit the M.O. of these duplicate sites, but without concrete proof, I can’t say they’re related.
If you have any information on who owns these programs, leave it in a comment below. I want to get to the bottom of this!
The Final Word…
Online Cash Source is a blatant scam. I didn’t even need to purchase the program to tell you that much. These duplicate scams are the worst of the worst in my opinion. They prey on beginners to the MMO (Make Money Online) world.
I realize that I didn’t provide many details on the actual program. Truthfully, there really isn’t a program to be found. It is ultimately just a front to take your money, but if you’d like to learn more you can check out one of my reviews of it’s predecessors (I linked to them earlier in the review).
Don’t Give up on Making Money Online!
Online Cash Source may be a scam, but you can still learn how to make money online. Check out the review I’ve written for a program called Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate is a great place for beginners to start out. It will teach you everything you need to know about making money online and it is completely free to start. Learn more here.
Do you have any personal experience with Online Cash Source? Any questions or feedback? Leave it in a comment below! I love hearing from you guys!
hey Derek,
don’t know if it’s any help to you but I almost signed up to this, had the form filled out up to giving my card details, then I got cold feet and closed the page. next thing I know I’m getting a call from an American guy (I’m in New Zealand) saying he works in the logistics side of things and he starts veeery subtly prodding for my card details. even after I said I don’t want to sign up right now he’d say “that’s fine, so what’s the name on your card there?” then a bit more small talk and then “so what’s the number on the card you’d like to use?”. after he finally got the message I asked his name n he said it was Troy.
something really didn’t smell right about the whole thing. glad to find your site that confirmed it.
God bless bro, keep it up!
Sounds like you dodged a bullet Philippe! Glad to hear it! These people can be absolutely heartless. Good on you for recognizing a scam when you see one! Thank you for reading!
Do you know anything about a program called Ultimate Home Profits?
Hello Karri,
Yes I do! I actually just completed a review on the “program.” It is another duplicate scam. Here is the link to my review. Go check it out and let me know if you have any questions!
Hi Derek,
I gotta say that I very nearly signed up for this too but quit before giving out my credit card number. So just curious now, all I really have to worry about now is some person calling me and trying to get my card number that way?
Thank you for posting this!
Hello Candace,
You dodged a bullet! They may try to call you, they can be persistent, but you’ve managed to avoid the scam. If they do get you on the phone, just keep refusing to give your credit card number. They will get the hint and leave you alone.
I knew immediately that the scammer was using a script to fake the testimonial to look like it was from where I happen to be living. You see, I live in China. No, I’m not in the city of China, Maine. I’m in the actual country of China. I live in Beijing. Reading the “testimonials” relying on that bit of script really was amusing!
The script you’re referring to is a very simple piece of software, but it has proven to be more than adequate to scam people. Personally, I find this type of software far too invasive, but it’s everywhere these days. Good thing you recognized it for what it was!
P.S. Great name!
Thanks for your website, saved me from signing up.
How can I contact you for personal support?
I can be reached via email at:
Well thanks a lot.
I just got registered to Bforex,and they are behind me by calling to sign in with my credit card.Only after i cud check with a binary scam investigator (is scam). Secondly i got excited with onlinecashsource & for that your article was very helpful to get rid off it.
After all i decided to go with 10trade (as think i must convert my free time to money in a safe way)
Your guidelines were very useful,and now am reading the recommendations for beginners by you.
wow! I almost signed up for Online cash source today. I got to know about it yesterday and I got super excited about the whole thing. Especially, the mellisa Johnson story who supposedly comes from my country!”
Thanx for saving me Derek.
Hello Vivian,
The Melissa Johnson story is particularly malicious because they run a very basic script that identifies where you are and places that location within the story. It’s meant to entice more people into buying because they think that if somebody else in there area has been successful, they can be successful too. The truth is, working online has nothing to do with your geographical location. That’s the beauty of it!
I’m glad I was able to help you avoid a scam!
Derek thank u very much …i read this scam site yesterday ,it says ethiopian melissa johnson make money online…bla bla..what i can tell u for sure is ,there is no such name in Ethiopia …i’m Ethiopian..u explianed it in your review ,thank u once again.
I’m glad I was able to clear that up for you! The script that these scammers utilize in order to track the IP of your computer (and insert your location into the headline) is particularly malicious. In your case, it was easy to spot, but other people aren’t so lucky.
Thank you for the feedback,
hi derek,
i already fill up their registration form and i received a call from them..but i didnt give any information about our bank account or what so ever.. is there anything i need to bother?
by the way, thank you for having this site.. it’s a big help to the people who want to earn money through online.. atleast we already know if whom we will give our trust..
your such a good man with a kind heart,,
may the lord jesus christ shower his abundant blessing to you
You are too kind Cyrelle! If you didn’t provide your account information, there is no way that they can take money from you. However, they are going to keep calling you until they get the message. These calls are how they make the majority of their money. They have high pressure salespeople that will relentlessly hound you. Just stay strong, and refuse to give them your information.
Hello Derek. Thank you for clearing things up for me. I am a foreigner living in Astana, and I read of Melissa Johnson from Kazakhstan making money working online!!!??? Such a waste of time! They have totally different names here!
Hello Jehona,
You can make money online, but Online Cash Source is not the way to do it. The “Melissa Johnson” ploy is ludicrous. I’m glad you saw right through it!
that thing melissa>>> johnsoon not even a filipino surname and the looks like american not a filipina image. thanks bro!
Yeah, it’s an awfully silly ploy, but you’d be surprised how many people fall for it. I’m glad to hear that you managed to avoid this scam! You’re very welcome!
thank you for the info derek, i also nearly signed up that scam form, glad you could help a lot
No problem Ruel!
Thanks Derek for saving me i have already sign in but i stooped for awhile to check some blog if scam or not again thank you by the way can you pls. help me a site of work from home that is legitimate since i have already no work again thank you.
Glad to help Mar. Check out my review for Wealthy Affiliate and see if it works for you. If not, you can check out my Trusted tab for reviews of websites that provide genuine training/resources. Good luck to you moving forward!
Hi Derek..
Thank u for saving me! I already signed up and almost entered my card info but God is sooo good something told me to read feedbacks and jut finished reading your are an angel thank u sooo much. God bless your kind heart…
It’s my job Gladys! Thank you for reading!
How did they know where im from?? I saw the article and it said “melissa johnson from ….” They can track me down then???
They run a basic script that can track location. It’s just like the apps on smart-phones that ask: “Can (blank) access your current location.” It’s basic code, that they hope to leverage for more sales. People are more likely to buy when they think that a local person made good with the “program.”
thank you so much derek….you enlightened me ive almost sign up there form..i search on google about the site and how true that u will earn that big..but when i read ur blog that everything is a scam hope that will block and the behind of that scam will be sentenced to lifetime imprisonment….again thank you very much
I’m a voice over artist and was approached to do a bit for them. I did a little research but thanks to your site, I know I can’t work with them in good conscience. Thanks