Name: Club Freedom Society
Price: $1 (7-Day Trial), $57 per month
Owners: Brian Michael
Club Freedom Society (CFS) is the latest product by Brian Michael. It combines MLM (Multi Level Marketing) with affiliate marketing. Is it a pyramid scheme? Can it actually make you money? This Club Freedom Society review answers that question and much more! Read on!
Program Overview
CFS is a 7-step system that will cost you $57 per month. The program consists of training in PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising, Ebay marketing, YouTube, trading, and more. All of this information is presented by Brian Michael, the owner, himself.
Speaking of Brian Michael….
Meet the Owner: Brian Michael
Brian is a big name in the affiliate marketing world. He routinely brings in 6 figures a year, making him a super affiliate. His name has been attached to some very big products over the years. I don’t like all of his products, but I respect the guy for generating so much success.

Brian Michael
Brian claims that his success is a result of the practices that he teaches within CFS. I believe this to be partially true, as CFS does teach legitimate ways to turn a profit, but I believe his success can be contributed more to his personal marketing campaigns.
Like this brilliant strategy….
The CFS Challenge (Hidden Upsells)
There are weekly challenges within CFS. If you participate in these challenges without making a profit, you will be compensated $500.
Talk about confident!
There is a catch to these challenges. In order to participate, you’ll have to purchase products in addition to your $57 monthly fee.

Upsell #1
This first upsell is for an autoresponder called SmodV. Generally, autoresponders require a monthly payment. I did not purchase this upsell, so I am not aware if this is a one time payment or not.
The second upsell….

Upsell #2
Basically, I think the challenge is a very clever way to hide upsells in plain sight. I never said it was a moral method, but it is clever and I’ll acknowledge that. I believe these upsells take advantage of beginners, and I don’t approve of that.
The challenge is simple. Participate in the 7 steps (you’ll need proof that you completed all 7 steps) and if you don’t make a sale in 37 days, you get $500.

What constitutes a sale?
So, if you make a sale of $1 in 37 days, you will not be eligible for the $500. Sneaky.
What’s the other way to make money with CFS?
The Compensation Plan
CFS is an MLM program. The compensation plan is a mixture of a traditional MLM platform, and affiliate marketing. Normally, when a program has such a large emphasis on recruitment, it is a pyramid scheme.
It’s true that most people buy this program to get into the compensation matrix. However, the training can be applied to any niche, and you do not HAVE to promote CFS in order to make use of the information you’ll learn. For this reason, I am not going to label CFS a pyramid. The product is sound!
What does the compensation matrix look like?
In order to be an affiliate of CFS, you will have to be a paying member. This compensation plan goes down 6-levels.
- First Level: $20 per referral (monthly recurring)
- Second Level: $10 per indirect (your referral’s referrals) sign-up
- Third Level: $5 per sign-up (Second Level’s referrals)
- Fourth Level: $3 per sign-up (Third Level’s referrals)
- Fifth Level: $2 per sign-up (Fourth Level’s referrals)
- Sixth Level: $1 per sign-up (Fifth Level’s referrals)
Even though this matrix is totally indicative of a pyramid scheme, it really is a great compensation plan. It is more realistic than a lot of the plans I’ve seen.
Again, you do not need to become an affiliate of CFS in order to make use of the training material.
What of the training?
The Training (My Biggest Beef)
I think the training is great. It’s put together very well and it is easy to follow. I’m just glad that there is training offered. If there was no training, this would be a pyramid scheme, plain and simple.
There was one thing that I didn’t like about the training.
There is a big emphasis on PPC advertising. PPC is the process of advertising a post on the top of the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages), when somebody clicks on the post, you will have to pay money (usually $.20 to $1).
PPC is a great tool and definitely something worth learning. You should never rely on one method of generating traffic. It is very important to diversify your “roads.” However, I never recommend PPC to beginners.
PPC is a gamble. You can lose money. There is a way to generate traffic “organically” (free), by ranking your posts on the first page of the SERPs. This is the method I recommend to beginners. It is important to understand keyword utilization, and the customer life-cycle BEFORE you invest money into a PPC campaign.
“Buying” traffic is best left for more experienced Internet marketers. For this reason, I would not recommend CFS to beginners. However, learning how to best implement a PPC campaign is valuable and everyone should learn how to eventually.
Pros and Cons
- There were no false statements promising anything. Brian is very upfront about how much work all of this takes. I really appreciate that.
- The training is good.
- I like the challenge aspect. I think it makes things entertaining and it is a great motivator to sign-up. (That means it is easier to promote, if you are interested in that.)
- Really, it is a borderline pyramid scheme. There is great training, so you won’t be scamming people to get them signed-up, but it is what it is.
- Too much emphasis on buying traffic.
- The cost is too high. You need to be a monthly subscriber, and purchase two upsells in order to participate in the challenge. Beyond that you will be taught to buy traffic (even more money).
- I would not recommend it to beginners.
The Final Word…
Club Freedom Society is legitimate. All of the methods taught within the program can be beneficial to the person using them. There is money to be made by promoting it, but you do not HAVE to. The only reason I am not giving this program a “Trusted” rating is because of the fact that they do put a large emphasis on recruitment.
I definitely don’t recommend this program to beginners. It costs a lot of money, and it teaches you methods that will cost you even more! The information is generalized and you can learn a lot more for less money with other programs.
If you have any personal experience with Club Freedom Society, I’d love to hear about it! Any questions or feedback? Leave it in a comment below!
I have used CFS and not very experienced. I have found the free EBAY and You Tube training to be easy to follow and use for things I am starting to learn to promote. I am leaving the BING ppc training for now. Also the challenge also hooks us up with traffic to our link automated by being Google Ad word approved so that is why the challenge I believe from what I know and understand. I have been in 2 months and had 8 sales so I’m very happy with that and learning also how to rank my other offer on page 1 of you tube.
Good review, I enjoyed it. Cheers
Hey Michael!
I’m glad to hear that Club Freedom Society has been beneficial to you! Definitely save PPC training for later. It will come in handy (in the future) but as a beginner you should avoid it. I did enjoy MOST of what I saw with the program. Can you explain the challenge? It really appears to be a way to hide upsells, but if their inserting your custom link into a Google Ad, that’s pretty cool! 8 sales in your first 2 months?! That is seriously impressive! Keep up the great work man!