Name: The Commission Machine
Price: $37 (one time fee), + Upsells
Owners: Michael Cheney
The Commission Machine is a product by Michael Cheney. Cheney is renowned as a super affiliate. He’s made a ton of money with Internet marketing. Apparently, his success is a result of the strategy he has laid out with this program. The Commission Machine review will reveal to you whether this program is legitimate or a scam. Read on!
To Begin With…
Before I bought this product, for the purpose of reviewing it, I performed my due diligence by looking up reviews. I do this to make sure I cover all of the bases that are worth writing about. If one reviewer has a problem with a certain aspect, I want to make sure I thoroughly understand that problem.
Nearly all of the reviews I found were written by affiliates of the program. These are obviously hyped up reviews. When I see this many affiliate reviews it tells me that artificial demand has been created.
Beyond that, the way these hyped up reviews were written really irked me. They were written in classic “guru” style. Simply hyping the product and selling people on the dream without delving into what the program entails.
Let me just say, I am not an affiliate of this program. This review is 100% unbiased.
After I purchased the product and began my research, I realized that the promotion style of these reviews was taught by the program itself.
I’m not a fan of these marketing tactics, but the fact that other members successfully implemented them tells me that the program must do a great job of educating it’s customers.
Note: Just because I don’t agree with the marketing tactics, doesn’t mean they don’t work. They’ve clearly worked for Cheney!
The Tactics I Disagree With:
The Sales Page: The sales page is too vague. It doesn’t elaborate on what the program entails. It simply promises to teach you how to make massive amounts of money in a short amount of time. I call this the “wool over the eyes technique.” A program sells you on the idea of making a lot of money without telling you what you’ll have to do. You become so eager for a fat paycheck that you buy the product no questions asked.

They’re really not. This program really isn’t designed with beginners in mind. Don’t fall for the hype.
The Upsells: At only $37 this product is cheap. As such, I knew to expect upsells. Immediately after purchasing I was offered a chance to make even more money, even faster! This upsell was for $197.
Upsells are just a sad fact of life. I don’t like them because I feel everything should be included in the initial price. Gurus implement upsells so they can sell the initial product for less money. The idea is: The cheaper the initial product, the higher the conversion rate. Then they will offer additional material for more money. It’s like splitting one program in to two different parts and two different price tags.
I don’t like upsells but they’re fair, they’re legal, and if it works it works. I just think an upsell should feature truly UNIQUE information. Information that could stand on it’s own.
Product Overview
Having gotten that rant out of my system, The Commission Machine is a pretty good product. It is designed to teach you how to create an email marketing campaign, that converts, to promote MMO (Make Money Online) programs.
All of this information is pretty common knowledge. There really isn’t anything groundbreaking within the program. What makes it a good program is how the training is put together.
R.A.P.I.D. (The Training)
The Commission Machine’s training consists of 7 video modules. These videos are put together VERY well. The production budget appears to be high, they are well organized, Cheney is likable, and he shows personal examples of his strategy at work.
The first module talks about Cheney’s R.A.P.I.D. formula. This stands for: Research, Angle, Provide Incentive, and Deploy.
I’m a big fan of using an acronym as a memory tool. Kudos!
Research: This portion will teach you how to select profitable niches and sub-niches. You will learn about different resources that can help your research.
Angle: What’s your angle? This is your trademark. Your unique style. The thing that will make people buy from you as opposed to another person.
Provide Incentive: Teaches you all about offering bonuses to your customers. It can be difficult getting people to buy something through your affiliate link. Often times people navigate around links by going directly to the source. Offering bonuses, if somebody buys through your link, is a great way to raise conversions.
Deploy: Learn how to create and manage your own campaigns.
There is one module dedicated to teaching you how to format your emails in a way that converts.
The final module is more for beginners. It will teach you how to market without having a list (All of the previous modules are geared more towards people that have an established list.). Without a list, you will utilize social media sites and market things to your followers.
I believe this last module is really the only one that beginners can benefit from. Even then, a lot of this information will go over a newbie’s head.
Pros and Cons
- The training is very good.
- The strategies definitely work.
- At $37, it’s cheap!
- A lot of this information is pretty common knowledge.
- I disagree with some of the marketing tactics.
- All of this information is regarding finding a product to promote and marketing it to your list. You aren’t taught how to BUILD a list, a website, or anything! This is definitely NOT for beginners.
The Final Word…
The Commission Machine is a legitimate product that teaches some great things. A lot of what it teaches is common knowledge, but it is put together in such an easy to follow way! I would recommend this product to intermediate Internet marketers that already have an email list. If you do not already have an online business, and you would like to learn how to create one, check out my #1 recommendation.
Do you have any personal experience with The Commission Machine? Any questions or feedback? Leave it in a comment below! I will get back to you!