Name: Stay at Home Revenue
Owners: Michelle Withrow
Price: $197, discounted to $77, then to $47
I’m seeing double… AGAIN! Stay at Home Revenue is another duplicate scam site. What exactly is a duplicate scam site? This Stay at Home Revenue review answers that question and many more! Read on!
To Begin With…
A duplicate scam site is probably pretty self-explanatory. It’s much easier to show you what I’m talking about than to tell you. Here is a picture of a program called Work At Home EDU:
Now here is a picture of Stay at Home Revenue:

Hmmmm, looks pretty familiar….
With duplicate scam sites, the similarities don’t stop with the outward appearance. All of the content is identical.
Duplicate scam sites are the worst kind of scam. A parent company, in this case Simply Click to Profit, operates a scam. When people become wise to the fact that it is a scam, the parent company simply changes the name to something else. That is ALL that they change. They keep the structure of the original scam and hope that nobody notices the similarities.
Basically, they think we’re all idiots.
I reviewed a duplicate scam site called Online Web Cash. This program was gaining popularity because it was being promoted by a fake news site. In light of this information, I decided to check if Stay at Home Revenue was being plugged in a similar way. Sure enough, it was!
These fake news sites are becoming very problematic.
What Does the Cost of Membership Grant You?
Honestly, the answer to that question is NOTHING. Stay at Home Revenue is supposedly going to teach you about link posting. Link posting is essentially affiliate marketing without the use of your own website.
Link posting is appealing to people because it seems easy and resorts in a quick buck without a lot of effort. Trust me, it is a lot harder than it seems. To make money off of the links that you post you will have to make sure that your links stay put. Most website owner’s will delete scammy links, and most people naturally navigate around these links anyway. This is especially true if you’re linking to anything related to a duplicate scam site.

This is a complete LIE! Don’t fall for this garbage. They don’t even tell you what you’ll be learning. They just want you to buy without performing your due diligence.
Ultimately, the only people making money are the people that own the program (Simply Click to Profit).
Speaking of the people that own the program….
The Owner – Michelle Withrow
Who is Michelle Withrow? The world may never know. She doesn’t exist. This is common practice with these duplicate scams. Fake name, fake backstory, stock photograph. Michelle Withrow is completely fake. The name is simply a front for the parent company.
By providing a face to a name, the company gains more trust with consumers. They quickly take advantage of this trust by robbing people blind.
The name “Michelle Withrow” has been associated with many of these duplicate sites.
The Price Change Technique
The initial price for the program is a “discounted” offer of $77. When you try to navigate away from the sales page you are greeted by a pop-up message telling you that if you buy now the program will only be $47.
I hate this tactic.
By doing this, they are hoping consumers will jump at the newly discounted price. This program isn’t worthwhile even if it was free. However, beginners to online marketing will not know this. That’s why I hate scams like this. They are setting out to take advantage of beginners.
My Last Warning
Do not, under any circumstances, provide this program with your personal information. I believe this is where the real scam lies. If you provide them with your telephone number, you will start receiving a ton of calls from telemarketers.

They’re basically telling you that you’re going to be receiving sales calls.
The Final Word…
Stay at Home Revenue is the worst kind of scam, as if you needed me to repeat that. I know that this review was not as thorough as usual, but it doesn’t need to be. I’ve seen this scam before. That’s why programs like this are called DUPLICATE scam sites.
I do not recommend this program to ANYONE. Trust me, avoid it at all costs. They are simply out for your money. Scams like this don’t appear to be going away, and I’m sure we’ll be seeing another identical website soon. All you can do is be aware of what they look like.
If you do see any sites that look like this, report them to me and I will do a follow up review.
Are you looking for a legitimate way to make money online? Check out my #1 recommendation. It is an educational community that is completely FREE to join, and it will teach you everything that you need to know about Internet marketing.
Do you have any personal experience with Stay at Home Revenue? Any questions or feedback? Any duplicate scam sites to report? Leave anything you might have in a comment below!