My name is Derek Rees.

Me circa 2009
I’ve been making money online since 2012. In the last two years I’ve seen my fair share of scams. I was a fresh-eyed young lad with big dreams and an empty wallet. A wallet devoid of funds can blind a person to these blatant scams. It took me a long time to learn what I hope to teach you quickly. That is, there is no such thing as “get rich quick.” If you want to be successful online, it will require hard work on your part.
In the beginning hard work wasn’t part of my agenda. For the first year of my adventure in online success, I was far from successful. Fortunately, I still had a full time job working in a grocery store. My bills were getting paid, but trust me, there is nothing like working in a grocery store to motivate a person to pursue something better.
The first thing I did to make some extra scratch was writing content. I went through the “content mills” to get articles. These paid about a penny a word. This was fine for extra cash but it is incredibly difficult to pursue full time. I had no idea, when I started, that writing this content would come in handy for other monetary ventures online.
The clients that utilize Content Mills are often website operators. The key to a successful website is quality content. I began to notice that a lot of the articles I was writing were similar, this was because clients were utilizing keywords in their content. I pieced this together in the forum, and decided to try my hand at affiliate marketing by building my own website. After all, I knew I could write quality content.
My transition into affiliate marketing started halfway through 2013. I didn’t want to pay for a domain name with almost no clue as to how to monetize it. So I searched for a platform that would allow me a free website. In this search, I discovered Wealthy Affiliate. It was through this site that I learned everything I needed to know about affiliate marketing. That is why, you will find, I’m a huge advocate of their site. Back in 2013, I elected to proceed with the free starter membership. I built my free niche site, traffic was flowing, and then… some unexpected news.
My girlfriend received a job opportunity that required us to move to Laguna Beach. At this point, I was still working full-time at the grocery store and only working online at night. This job opportunity (of hers) was a big move, we were living in Oregon at the time, and I had to figure out what I was going to do in California. Rent in Laguna Beach was high compared to what I was use to. I decided to gamble on the success of my website. I figured I could write content to supplement what I had saved from the grocery store. This would allow me to work full-time at home for up to four months. Those first two months were scary, but by month three the traffic to my site was finally converting to steady income. My gamble paid off.
Here I am, still working at home. I now operate a lot of different niche websites. The most amazing part is that I earn substantially more than I ever would have in that grocery store. Operating websites is a lot of front-end work. The work you put into it in the beginning will take a while to pay off. Once you are successful, you will suddenly have a lot more free time. I hope to help all of you realize your potential for success online, if you are willing to work for it.
Again, I am Derek. It’s very nice to meet you and if you have any questions, leave me a comment below.
Your pal,
Hello Derek,
I really like your site! I’m actually working for a content mill at the moment. Your story has inspired me to branch away from it! Hopefully you can help me out with the transition!
Thank You Stephanie!
Content Mills are great for extra cash but require so much work to make full-time income. If you are serious about seeking other opportunities, head on over to Wealthy Affiliate.
You can find me hanging out over there and I will be glad to help you with any questions you may have. You will also have access to many more knowledgeable people in the industry.
Here’s to your future success!
This is great. it’s good to be told what making money online entails
I missed the Day – 1 of the 5-day affiliate course; could you send it to me.
I wish you all the best in your endeavors.
Hey Bede!
I sent you Day 1! I see that you have actually completed the course. How did you like it? Do you feel that you’ve learned a lot from it? Anything you think I can improve on? I like to know these things so that I can continue to provide the most valuable information to the subscribers of my course.
Cheers to your future success!
(For anyone who happens to read this comment and is interested in participating in my affiliate marketing course, here is the link!)
Nice website with good. Information plus many good places to help people.
Thanks for the feedback Michael! It’s much appreciated! I’ll see you over at Wealthy Affiliate!
Hi Derek
Just came across your site and I love the write up about you, I also work in the day and tend to my website in the evening but I’m finding it hard to concentrate after a full day at work on my writing, but as you said it’s hard work in the beginning so I just keep that in mind and work slower than some but all will be good in the end.
Best of luck Paula
Hello Paula,
It certainly can be hard to concentrate on anything after you’ve already put in a full day of work. It will all pay off for you eventually, if you keep up that positivity! Remember, slow and steady wins the race!
Thank you for the feedback!
I absolutely love your website derek! It’s incredibly informative and easy to follow. I’ve been working at this for awhile now but I haven’t found a website to lead me in the right direction until I found pajamas and tie! I sincerely thank you for helping me find wealthy affiliate and for all the informative posts!
Why thank you Patricia!
It’s been great connecting with you over at Wealthy Affiliate! How is your website coming along?
I have seen many WA sites and your is perfection! Bravo! couldn’t be any better 🙂
Thank you for the feedback Brittany! Stay tuned for even more content!
Derek, I really like your story of your experiences before coming to Wealth Affiliate. I am retired and can now give my time to my website writing. Your experience and the meaningful content will be an asset to your readers. Much success to you!
Thank you for the positive feedback and the kind words Sharon! I hope that my reviews can offer insight to people hoping to create an Internet Marketing career.
You have a good way of describing Leaving the 9 to 5 so to speak to working from home in your PJs if you choose. Nice Job!
Hello Michael!
Well thank you for the kind words! Stay tuned!
I do like your page, put together the information, read every word ans you see that it’s A gateway, Just a very honest one.
Question – Is the only way to stop opening Gates, to build your own & throw a few others under the bus??
Hello again Tj,
You’re right, I do feature affiliate links on Pajamas and Tie. However, you hit it on the nose, my reviews are honest.
I’ve been making money online for quite some time now, and I’ve seen A LOT of scams. I only advocate products that I KNOW can make my readers money and this includes the programs I’m affiliated with. I’m in a fortunate enough position that I don’t have to shove these programs down people’s throats. I never pressure anyone to buy anything. I simply provide all of the information on a program and offer the option to sign-up.
I also provide all of the information I can on programs that I perceive as scams. This can be viewed as throwing people under the bus, but I assure you, I’m only providing the honest information. If a program is a scam, I’m going to say it and I’m going to make it clear why I believe that. I will never call a GOOD program a scam just because I’m not affiliated with it.
There are plenty of programs that I’ve deemed trustworthy that I’m not affiliated with. Click on my “Trusted” tab for the full list.
Honesty is the only way to succeed in this niche (and when working online in general). People can see through lies. An affiliate marketer becomes successful when his/her goal is to HELP other people. So in my case, I help people by providing honest reviews which allows them to make an informed decision on a product. I’m not sales driven, I’m driven by my desire to help. This desire comes from suffering through many scams myself.
To answer your question: The only way to stop opening gates is to STOP OPENING GATES! It’s as simple as that! Never feel pressured to follow links. You should note that not all gateways are bad. Some gateways lead to incredible places!
I hope this has answered your question. I apologize for all of the rambling. 😛
Hello Derek,
Good to know that you are helping newcomers to create free web site and more…. I am from India…your site is very informative, many will be saved the scamster. My concern is to be help Indian fellowmens from these type of scamster in India.
Good work keep it up.
Hi Derek !
Very impressive website – CONGRATS !
You obviously know what you are doing !
Wish you well for the future.
Thank you for the feedback Jaspal! You keep reading, I keep writing. Deal?
Hello Derek. I find your story to be very inspirational. I am currently preparing to move with my girlfriend, so this story hits close to home. I too am an affiliate marketer and I was wondering if you would be interested in working together in the future? I will need all of the help I can get!
I would love to help you out where I can Joe. Here is my email address: Send any questions you may have to that address. I’m sure we can find a way to help each other out in the future. What niche are you in?
Love your website, and your content. Couldn’t agree with you more, that websites are the way to go, but you need a product unless your product is the wealthy affiliate. Would that be right?
You’re correct Mark. The product I am actively promoting is Wealthy Affiliate. I will occasionally promote other products if I deem them trustworthy, but WA remains my #1 recommendation for a reason. The people behind WA have poured their heart and souls into the program and the results are phenomenal.
Have you checked it out yet?
This is a very inspiring read.